The Potter-Randall County Medical Society is a professional association, organized to nurture continued advancement of scientific knowledge, and to maintain unity and harmony among all members of the profession. PRCMS was organized in 1903 by 18 physicians. As Amarillo grew in size and stature, so, too, did the medical community. From a membership made up entirely of general practitioners, the Society has developed into a well-rounded membership of approximately 400 active physicians, both generalists and specialists, providing medical care for persons from a five-state area surrounding Amarillo.
The Potter-Randall County Medical Society is the parent organization of two major health facilities--the A. B. Goldston Tumor Registry and the Coffee Memorial Blood Center.
Join with your colleagues to serve patients locally, with support from the Texas Medical Association and your colleagues across the state.
Turn grassroots advocacy for your patients into legislative success, backed by the united voice of TMA’s 57,000 members.
Sharpen your skills with FREE CME in TMA's Education Center. There are dozens of courses that offer a variety of topics, many with ethics.
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